A T-47 is used when you are representing the Seller. Title companies will require this form when the Seller has a survey to the property.
You may use either the T-47 Affidavit or T-47.1 Declaration.
Needs to be notarized by Public Notary. Must be wet signed.

Does not need to be notarized. May be e-signed.

Date: Date Seller is filling out the T-47
Name of Affiant: Sellers names.
Address of Affiant: Their CURRENT address, it does not have to match the property your selling address.
Description of Property: ADDRESS of the home your selling/listing.
Ensure the county is correct.
Date on Survey: A date the survey was originally performed will be present on every survey. Find that date and add it there.
Before me, the undersigned notary for the state of __________. This will generally say Texas, unless the Seller is completing this form in another state.
EXCEPT for the following: Typically, you will enter NONE here. However, if the Seller has made any exterior structural improvements not reflected in the current survey, they should list those improvements in this section.
Structural improvements must be permanently attached to the property and not removable.
- Pool
- Concrete slab
- Additional sidewalks
- Retaining Walls
- Brick/stone flower bed borders
- Sheds/metal storage buildings
- Patio coverings/awnings/decks THAT ARE BUILT IN.